Carrier Updates


  • WealthAccelerate IUL
    • Give Lincoln a call on their new WealthAccelerate IUL, a 21st Century product built to protect and grow your client’s wealth and your practice.
  • Enhancement Update
    • Based upon continued feedback we receive from our distribution partners, we’re rolling out new functionality to make you and your client’s application experience even better. Find more details here.
  • A Quick Sales Strategy – in “Just a Minute”
    • Check out a compelling way to show your Protection VUL clients how to lower their guaranteed premiums – by as much as 25% – using the LifeTrack Bronze Guarantee Solve in JHIllustrator.
  • Digital Platform Updates from Legal & General America now effective
    • Business insurance option and Get More Get Less for clients. Click here to read the announcement
  • LGA Underwriting Superhighway
    • Get your clients on the fast track to financial protection. The LGA Underwriting Superhighway opens opportunities for riskier clients while speeding up the process for instant decisions.

Cincinnati Life

John Hancock

  • New Protection IUL
    • For clients seeking the protection and growth potential of an indexed universal life (IUL) insurance policy, John Hancock’s repriced Protection IUL continues to lead in customer value with:
      • Some of the most competitive and short-pay premiums on the market
      • New! Access to Barclays Global MA Indexed Accounts for improved policy performance
      • Addition of the Preliminary Funding Account for added flexibility
  • Explore John Hancock’s Vitality Resources – No Registration Required
    • Check out John Hancock’s “Get Started Guide”, designed to help answer your clients questions and encourage them to start engaging in the John Hancock Vitality Program. You can find the guide and all the latest resources on their unlocked advisor page here.
  • Shave up to 20 days from submission to issue with the enhanced iPipeline iGO eApp!
    • An enhanced version of the John Hancock e-Application in iPipeline iGO is now available, offering you a dramatic reduction in the life insurance sales cycle — potentially by up to 20 days — along with a more streamlined and convenient way to collect medical history data and signatures. Take a look at this short video to see how easy it is to shave time off your next case.
  • A Win-Win: Competitive Premiums and Leading Targets
    •  Protection Survivorship IUL is a proverbial win-win for both you and your clients. Not only does it offer competitive premiums, growth potential and flexible funding for your clients, but it also offers industry-leading targets!
  • New Accelerated Death Benefit for Chronic Illness rider
    • John Hancock is excited to add an “Accelerated Death Benefit for Chronic Illness rider” to their robust suite of living benefits. This rider can help provide clients a “just in case” solution that gives them early access to their policy’s death benefit if they become chronically ill. It’s just one more way John Hancock is offering clients the flexibility and protection they need from their life insurance policy.
  • New Travel Rewards Partner: Expedia
    • John Hancock remains committed to always enhancing the customer experience with the best tools, resources and rewards; they are transitioning their travel benefit partner from to

Legal & General America

  • Capitalizing on Untapped Markets
  • Life Insurance Blueprint
    • Legal & General America knows that Life insurance is not a set it and forget it endeavor. As your clients’ personal and professional lives evolve, so will their protection requirements. Use this annual term life insurance blueprint to ask the right questions, understand your clients’ ever-changing needs and keep their policies updated.
  • Horizon ProNavigator
    • Legal & General America is excited to introduce a new training tool that will elevate their Advisor and agency partner training to a whole new level. The Horizon ProNavigator is a comprehensive resource that centralizes all training materials in one accessible platform.
  • Legal & General America’s Application Platform – The Ultimate Digital Tool


  • Buy-Sell Planning with Business Valuations
    • Discover how recent tax cases, such as the Connelly case, drive the need for proper buy-sell and life insurance planning for closely owned businesses. Click here to learn more.
  • Table Reduction Program Plan Guidelines
    • Got a rated case? Lincoln Table Shave C to Standard is back under age 70. All permanent products get standard rates on any rated cases up to Table C. Pitch a VULONE on your next rated term case. Click here to learn more.
  • Lincoln WealthAccelerate IUL
    • Lincoln has unveiled a new instant issue, accumulation focused IUL, where the client and agent can have an underwriting decision in minutes. The product will save agents, brokerages, and clients time before the sale and for years later. Click here for more information.

Critical Illness Sales Idea Piece:

LTC Insurance In Retirement Planning

  • LTC insurance is critical in retirement planning. Business owners have extremely generous tax benefits available if the company pays their LTC premiums. Business owners have the ability to write off all or a portion of their spouse/partner’s premiums too.
  • Click here to view the Mutual of Omaha LTC Tax brochure.

Critical Advantage Marketing and Sales Idea Pieces:


  • Brand
    • OneAmerica has now become OneAmerica Financial. We have a newly updated website where people can view our new logo and see our new, fresh design (Home (
  • Physical Pieces
    • For Consumers:
      • Annuity Care II Funding Options Brochure: This brochure focuses on using a SPDA w/ a built in COB. The brochure mentions some product highlights, tax advantages, types of care covered, and a joint life option. (State specific so I’m not going to include one to promote)
    • For Producers
      • Asset Care Infographic: This piece shows who OneAmerica Financial is, showcasing the resources available to them and the different types of product solutions we provide.
      • PUI Checklist: This piece allows for additional aid, helping agents with their initial underwriting findings.
      • Care Solutions Process Guide: This piece walks though the process of new business. It outlines three steps: Submission, Underwriting, and Issue/Pay.
  • Deep Dives
    • The OneAmerica Story (The OneAmerica Story | This deep dive focuses on who OneAmerica is as a company. It touches on our mutual insurance, holding company structure, our multiple lines of business, financials, and much more.
  • Using IRA Dollars to Fund LTC
    • This sales idea discusses their Annuity Funding Whole Life option and uses a hypothetical example of how the product works to help pay for qualifying LTC expenses.
    • Click here to learn more.
  • Stacking Strategy Sales Idea
    • This sales idea discusses how purchasing many policies at a smaller initial premium payment over time can lead to a substantial death benefit and premium savings down the road. It also gives a QR code to provide agents with a 14-minute video discussing this sales idea.
    • Click here to learn more.
  • Beyond Asset Protection Sales Idea
    • This sales idea takes a different approach, focusing on their Care Benefit Concierge, rather than product itself. It highlights how each policyholder is assigned ONE person to assist them with any and all questions regarding their policy to relieve stress and provide clarity.
    • Click here to learn more.
  • Webinar: Two Approaches to the LTC Conversation
    • This webinar focuses on initiating the LTC conversation using either an economic or emotional approach to best apply it to different types of clients.
    • Click here to watch. 
  • Webinar: Asset Care – Handling One-Liners and Objections
    • This webinar helps the agents with some one-liners for selling LTC and handling some common objections agents hear from clients and how to handle them.
    • Click here to watch.
  • Webinar: LTC Knowledge
    • This webinar is intended for agents and marketers who are newer to promoting and selling long-term care protection. We will focus on building your knowledge of terms and services widely used in the LTC industry.
    • Click here to watch.

Petersen International Underwriters

  • Excess Disability Insurance
    • To properly insure a highly compensated individual at 65% of income, multiple disability income policies are often required and are layered or “tiered” to provide sufficient income protection. Petersen International can provide a complete solution to your clients. Click here to learn more.
  • Business Loan Failure to Survive
    • The Petersen International Business Loan Failure to Survive (FTS) plan is a simplified-issue term product that provides a death benefit which can be collaterally assigned to a lending institution for the explicit purpose of covering a business loan.  The product requires no exams or labs, just an application that can be underwritten, issued and assigned in a matter of days, not weeks or months.  It is the perfect tool to meet the tight closing schedules of most lenders including SBA lenders.  The FTS coverage can also be taken out by clients who are currently in underwriting for traditional policies, but are needing immediate coverage to close on their loan.
  • Needlestick Insurance
    • Petersen International Underwriters has announced a new product called Needlestick Insurance for the employee benefits market. This group benefit plan offers a lump sum up to $100,000 per employee who have been injured by a needlestick occurrence on the job and have contracted a bloodborne pathogen. The purpose of the insurance is to help cover costs associated with testing, treatment and other expenses that may arise as a result of needlestick injury, such as lost wages and travel expenses.
    • Click here to learn more.
  • Key Person Disability Insurance
    • This is designed to help your company offset the financial burden of the loss of your business’s “rainmaker.”  It is a business-owned product that pays benefits to your company if the key employee becomes disabled due to sickness or injury. Click here to learn more.
  • Failure To Survive Insurance
    • Individuals looking to close on SBA and other business loans know how slow and painful it can be waiting for full underwriting for life insurance to satisfy lender requirements. For those individuals who don’t qualify for accelerated or simplified underwriting domestically, Petersen has a solution: The Petersen International Business Loan Failure to Survive (FTS) plan is a simplified-issue term product that provides a death benefit which can be collaterally assigned to a lending institution for the explicit purpose of covering a business loan. The product requires no exams or labs, just an application that can be underwritten, issued and assigned in a matter of days, not weeks or months. It is the perfect tool to meet the tight closing schedules of most lenders including SBA lenders. The FTS coverage can also be taken out by clients who are currently in underwriting for traditional policies, but are needing immediate coverage to close on their loan.
  • Professional Athletes Disability Insurance
    • In sports we watch and cheer for our favorite players, but when they are injured what safeguards to they have? The career of an athlete is extraordinarily short and Petersen International can insure professional athletes against potential career-ending injuries. For more information, click here.

Principal Life

  • Overhead Expense Insurance
    • Small business owners have two assets at risk if they become disabled – their income and the survival of their business. A Disability Income Overhead Expense policy can reimburse the small business owner for their share of the ongoing expenses that need to be met during their absence to help that business survive. These can include:
      • Rent or mortgage
      • Utilities
      • Property taxes
      • Employee salaries
      • Property and casualty insurance
    • This is a great solution for small physician and dental practices as well s legal, consulting, or sales firms.
    • Through our partnership with Principal you can help your clients protect up to $50,000 per month of expenses. Share these two flyers to help your clients understand the risk and how these policies work:
  • Business Loan Protection Benefit
    • Do you have business owner clients who have taken out loans to buy or expand their business? If they become disabled, how can they continue to pay that obligation? Those payments are not forgiven by the bank if your client can’t work. We often see the need for a younger professional who is buying out a retiring professional to protect the loan they have committed to.
    • Through your partnership with Principal®, they can help you protect up to a $2M obligation and up to a $20,000 per month payment through their Disability Loan Protection policy.
    • Review the program details with this profile, and share this with your clients to help them understand how you can help.
  • Buy DI on Yourself
    • Have you taken the proper steps to protect your income? Your ability to earn an income needs to be protected. Also, owning what you’re selling is always a testament to your clients that you believe in its importance. You can purchase a plan for Principal with a 10% “affiliation” discount just for being licensed. You will also earn at least 50% first year commission. That’s at least a 60% savings in the first year! For more information, view this flyer.


Sales Boost: Low Cost Lifetime Assurance LAUL

Our Low Cost Lifetime Assurance GUL can be a more cost-effective solution and an alternative with your next Survivorship case. Instead of placing coverage on both husband and wife, look at our LAUL on the younger spouse (Especially when there is a 7 year or more difference between spouses or when one spouse is potentially highly rated or uninsurable.) LAUL could be less expensive or offer access to the death benefit earlier.

Lifetime Assurance LAUL is a great estate planning solution that is designed to be an industry leading low cost level pay solution.


  • Your 10 Minute Monday Motivation
    • People are always looking for new ideas. Listen to our weekly webcasts to gain professional insight from industry leaders at Prudential. Click here to register and learn more.
  • Trimester Campaign
    • Our Trimester Campaign site houses a lot of useful information. There are different themes for each trimester with a different monthly topic for which there are monthly webinars. To explore the 2024 trimester themes, click here.

The Standard


  • Individual Disability Insurance (IDI) Helps Fill The Gap
    • If you earn a higher salary, or rely on bonuses or commissions, you may need additional income protection to provide for you and loved ones while on leave from work due to a covered illness or injury. Long Term Disability (LTD) is an excellent foundation for income protection; but benefits maximums, uncovered compensation, and taxable benefits may leave higher income earners with a gap in coverage.
    • How Unum IDI policy helps you protect your income
      • Can replace a higher percentage of your income
      • Can cover commission and bonuses
      • Individually owned, so you can keep the policy if you change jobs
      • Benefits are not offset by Workers’ Compensation and Social Security Disability Insurance payments
  • IDI Unum Executive Benefits
    • In today’s competitive business environment, supplemental Individual Disability Insurance (IDI) has become essential coverage for top talent. While traditional Group Long-Term Disability (LTD) provides sufficient income replacement for most employees, it could be far below the take home pay for the highly compensated employees. Click here to learn more.


The Cason Group's New Business and Application Process

TCG’s New Business and Application Process: E-Application Guide

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